
  • June: I give a talk at the Department of Statistics of Athens University of Economics and Business

  • June: I give a tutorial on e-values at O'Bayes in Athens.

  • March 10: I talk in the Delft Seminar in Probability and Statistics.

  • March 1: we launched the website for the Kindness and Excellence initiative.

  • Jelle Goeman and I were awarded an NWO M2 grant of f 742.708 euro's. The funds allow us to employ 2 PhD students, who will be co-supervised by both of us, and a scientific programmer. (news article)

  • UToday wrote an article about our Kindness and Excellence in Academia initiative (news article UToday)

  • I will be awarded the 2025 Bernoulli Society New Researcher Award (news article UT, niewsbericht UT Nederlands)


  • December 16: I talk about e-processes and multiple testing at the 2024 IMS International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS) in Nice, France.

  • November 25: I talk about e-values with domain experts at the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI)

  • November 8: I organize e-Day, a meetup for Dutch e-value researchers.

  • November 1: Welcome to my new PhD student Fabian Damken!

  • October: Our paper about e-statistics, group invariance and any-time valid testing is published at the Annals of Statistics (PDF).

  • September: I started an intiative for Kindness and Excellence in academia. More will follow soon…

  • September: I wrote a column for NAW about my view on statistics as a field and where it should go: a paradigm shift (PDF).

  • September: I wrote a piece on e-values for NAW (PDF).

  • Fall 2024: I teach an MSc course on Statistical Learning.

  • September 1st: I start my new position at the University of Twente.

  • June 25: I give a talk at Zorginstituut Nederland about e-values, - I think this is my first e-value talk in Dutch!

  • June 25: I give a talk at the Epidemiology group of the LUMC (website) about e-values.

  • June 24: I give a talk at RIVM (Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) about e-values.

  • In September I will move to the University of Twente.

  • Our paper on GROW-optimal group-invariant statistics (arxiv) is accepted to the Annals of Statistics.

  • May 5-9: I had a fantastic week with fellow e-value enthusiasts in Oberwolfach.

  • April 26: Together with Jelle Goeman we submitted a grant proposal (M2) to NWO.

  • There were several interviews with me in (national) newspapers and magazines: NAW (PDF), NRC (PDF, Link), The New Scientist (Picture), and Ad Valvas (Link).

  • February 12: An interview with me about e-values appeared in NRC, PDF, Link - in the online version one of the main mistakes in the article is corrected; unfortunately I didn't get to proofread it

  • Spring 2024: I teach a new B.Sc. course for mathematics students about different topics in mathematical statistics.

  • February 1: I am back from maternity leave.

  • January 24: We presented our Safe Testing paper at the discussion meeting of the Royal Statistical Society in London. news article English nieuwsbericht Nederlands picture


  • I was interviewed for NAW PDF

  • September-January: I was on maternity leave

  • Our XAI paper is accepted for publication in JMLR.

  • November 14: I served on the opposition for the PhD defence of Rosanne Turner at Leiden University

  • I was awarded the 2023 Cor Baayen Early Career Researcher Award (news article)

  • September 1: Welcome to my PhD student Yury Tavyrikov

  • I was interviewed for the VU website (

  • I was awarded a Veni grant ( news article)

  • July 18: I co-organized and presented a workshop on hypothesis testing with e-values at MathPsych ICCM EMPG 2023 in Amsterdam (a conference on mathematical psychology)

  • July 11-14: I visited ISIPTA in Oviedo, Spain. With Julian Rodemann and Thomas Augustin we presented a poster combining two notions of Generalized Bayes.

  • May/June: I served on the reading committee for the PhD thesis of Rosanne Turner (Leiden University)

  • May: I became Associate Editor of Statistica Neerlandica

  • 10 May: I spoke at the Seminar++ meeting of the Research Semester Programme Machine Learning Theory at CWI, Amsterdam

  • 8 May: I spoke at the KdVI statistics seminar (University of Amsterdam)

  • 1-3 May: I visited prof.dr. Thorsten Dickhaus at the University of Bremen and spoke at the Mathematisches Kolloquium

  • April: I was invited to speak about e-values at the Université Côte d'Azur in Nice. Due to the national strikes I had to cancel my trip, but gave the talk online.

  • April: I served on the PhD committe (as second reader) of Saeed Ghoorchian (University of Tübingen)

  • March: I was invited to speak at the Epistemology and Theory of Machine Learning Workshop at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy

  • January: I visited prof.dr. Thomas Augustin at LMU in Munich

Old News (2022)