Prospective studentsProspective BSc and MSc thesis projectsIf you are interested in doing a thesis project with me for your BSc or MSc in mathematics, or a related discipline with a strong mathematical component, feel free to drop me an e-mail stating your interests (if they overlap with mine). Prospective PhD studentsWe have now opened the two vacancies for PhD students (link) on the M2 grant “Flexible and user-adaptive statistical inference”. We will review applications on a rolling horizon, so it is wise to apply at your earliest convenience. We are an inclusive group and diversity is at the heart of our research principles. We care about a good working atmosphere and a good work-life balance. Whenever there is a vacancy, applications from all groups currently under-represented in academic posts are especially encouraged. If you are interested in doing a PhD with me and you bring your own funding or you are planning to apply for a grant to do so, feel free to contact me, and if I also think it's a good match I can help you with it. It helps to decribe in your e-mail why you think my research interests fit well with yours, and why you think it is a good idea for me to consider you. I don't respond to generic e-mails. Prospective postdocsAt the moment I do not have funding for a postdoc position. If you are interested in doing a postdoc with me, there are many funding schemes available to obtain your own funding. Contact me if you consider this, and I can help you with the application. |